CoE HPC News, April 1 2024: EL8/EL9 update, AI Week, Workshops and Trainings

HPCC users, Welcome to the start of Spring quarter 2024! See below the latest news on the CoE HPC cluster. Update on EL8/EL9 upgrade I was not able to complete the upgrade of the rest of the cluster to EL8 and EL9 during the Springbreak maintenance week. The upgrade process has been bumpy, and at this time only nodes from the dgx2, dgxs and ampere partitions have been migrated to EL9. The ampere partition is available now, and the dgx2 and dgxs partitions should be available by tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. Most of the rest of the cluster, including submit-a and submit-b, is still running EL7. I will continue working on the rest of the cluster over the course of this term, and will try to post on the HPC status page the approximate dates when certain nodes or partitions will be upgraded. I will work with affected research groups on scheduling upgrade windows. AI Week! As announced through various sources, next week (April 8-12) is AI Week. Wednesday April 10 is GPU Day, where Nvidia and Mark III will team up to “bring you an action-packed day of learning about what GPUs are, how they can help your research, and how to optimize them for your workloads”. For more information, and to register for GPU day and other AI Week events, please check out the link below:<> Intro to HPC workshop I am offering my “Intro to HPC” workshops again this quarter, approximately once per week starting next Tuesday the 9th. This workshop is designed to help new users become acquainted with and start using the cluster. Due to a problem with my Bookings, people were unable to book a meeting during April. This has now been fixed, so if you are interested in attending this workshop this month, please register for a date using the link below:<> MarkIII AI training series Mark III is offering a seven part series on AI and ML trainings every Tuesday at 11am from April 16 through May 28: April 16 - Intro to Machine Learning and AI: The Basics, A Tutorial, and Lab April 23 - Intro to Deep Learning: An Introduction to Neural Networks April 30 - Introduction to Datasets May 7 - Introduction to Large Language Models May 14 - Getting Started with Containers and the software stack around AI + How to get started working with OSU HPC Services May 21 - Intro to Omniverse & Digital Twins May 28 - Intro to Isaac Sim and AI in Robotics I encourage you to check them out and sign up for them using the link below if you are interested:<> If you have any questions or concerns, let me know. For up-to-date status on the cluster, check out the link below:<> Rob Yelle HPC Manager
participants (1)
Yelle, Robert Brian