HPCC users, The cluster is back online, but at limited capacity. Additional resources will become available throughout the week as maintenance progresses. Submit node ssh warnings Please note that the server host keys have change on two of the submit nodes (submit-a and submit-b), so new ssh connections may result in a security warning like "Remote Host Identification has changed" or "Host Key verification failed". It is okay to continue the connection. If you are using MacOS or Linux and are have trouble connecting, try the following: ssh-keygen -R submit-a.hpc.engr.oregonstate.edu ssh-keygen -R submit-b.hpc.engr.oregonstate.edu ssh-keygen -R submit.hpc.engr.oregonstate.edu then try to connect via ssh again. New Cuda versions Cuda versions 11.5 and 11.6 have been installed, and Nvidia drivers have been upgraded on most GPU nodes to support these latest Cuda versions. However, drivers for Cuda 11.5+ have not yet been released for the DGX systems. The default Cuda module has been changed to 11.4 to reflect the maximum Cuda version supported by the DGX systems. For more cluster news and status updates, check out the link below: https://it.engineering.oregonstate.edu/hpc/hpc-cluster-status-and-news Cheers, Rob Yelle HPC Manager