Careers with an environmental agency- learn from a CBEE alum!
May 2nd Johnson Hall 102 6-7pm
Katie Eagleson graduated from Oregon State University with a B.S. in Environmental Engineering in 2011 and participated in four internships during her undergraduate
career, including an internship in air quality monitoring with SolarWorld and a woodstove change-out program with the Makah Native American Tribe in Washington.
Katie completed her master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California at Davis in 2012, where she researched the urban transport
of pesticides. She served in the United States Peace Corps from 2013 to 2015, working in Paraguay as a Rural Health and Sanitation Specialist. Since her return from Peace Corps service, Katie has been working at the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency as an
environmental engineer, focusing on air quality permitting and source test review.
Agency Information:
The Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) is the local government agency that monitors and regulates air quality in Lane County, Oregon. LRAPA is the only local air agency
in Oregon, monitoring Lane County’s air through its eight regulatory grade ambient air monitoring stations and +90 commercial grade air sensors. The agency protects public health, community well-being, and the environment by administering air programs such
as an Outdoor Burning program, Home Wood Heating advisory program, and through the regulation of commercial and industrial businesses with air permits and compliance inspections.
Majors hired by LRAPA:
Josefine Fleetwood, (she/her)
Employer Relations Manager
Oregon State University
| College of Engineering
116 Johnson Hall - Room 112