Feb 27th 6-7pm

The CBEE Club hosts Inpria Info Session - FREE FOOD

Register now!


Inpria offers a new approach to photoresists to enable continued scaling of semiconductor device sizes and performance.


Inpria was founded in 2007 as a spin-out from Oregon State University’s Department of Chemistry. Since then we’ve recruited a diverse team with decades of experience working at organizations throughout the semiconductor industry. By focusing on emerging technology requirements, Inpria has developed the only purpose-built solution to support EUV lithography at the 7nm process node and beyond. https://www.inpria.com/


All interested engineering and science majors welcome to attend first year – PhD students.



Jonas Harrison-Beard, Production Engineering and an OSU Chemical Engineering alum.


Josefine Fleetwood (She/Her), Employer Relations Manager

Oregon State University  | College of Engineering  

School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering  

School of Nuclear Science and Engineering  

Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering

116 Johnson Hall  - Room 112

