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Register now, to meet Navy Nuclear Lab representatives!
Navy Nuclear Lab is looking for First year, Second year, Juniors and Seniors for internships and full-time hire. * Requires Citizenship
Appointments are roughly 10 minutes. Representatives will want to hear your "elevator pitch".
1) Consider applying
for an internship or job at Navy Nuclear Lab before speaking with a representative.
2) Review the company's website and its products. Think about questions you might have for the recruiters. If you aren't sure what to ask, the list at the end
of this page may help.
3) Create a 60-second elevator speech. Talk about how your interests, projects and experience make you a good hire for Navy Nuclear Lab. Here are some step-by-step guides from ISU to
inspire you!
4) Bring your resume for feedback from a hiring manager.
The Program has cradle-to-grave responsibility for all naval nuclear propulsion matters and includes our civilian and military personnel who design, build, operate, maintain, and manage the nuclear-powered ships
and other facilities of the U.S. nuclear-powered naval Fleet.
This organization looks for many engineering/science/business majors - including: Chemistry, Chemical Engineer, Computer Science, Electrical Computer Engineer, Finance, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering,
Physics, Business
Josefine Fleetwood, (she/her)
Employer Relations Manager
Oregon State University
| College of Engineering
116 Johnson Hall - Room 112