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About us: We’re an early stage startup company developing eco-friendly and bio-renewable surfactant chemicals for consumer products, such as
laundry detergents and personal care products. Sironix has invented and developed a new surfactant molecule that will make our consumer products work better and benefit our environment. As a growing company with over $6M in government grants, investment, and
partnerships, we are searching for applicants who can take on the task of leading our industry to a more responsible and safer future!
About you: An intern at Sironix Renewables is joining the forefront of green chemistry, bio-renewables, and product development. You will be
working directly with Sironix R&D experts to develop new surfactants and develop catalytic chemistries for scale-up and manufacturing. Tasks require management of simultaneous research projects, effective communication with collaborators, and a resourceful
and creative attitude. The working conditions and fellow employees are relaxed, but we are motivated and determined to build a name for ourselves and change the world!
The position: This is a paid summer internship position ($22/hr) at our headquarters in Seattle, WA, that includes an opportunity for continued
employment with demonstrated performance and success. This is a full-time, hourly-pay position. Hours & start/end dates are flexible. Relocation expenses are not provided. Responsibilities - Conduct performance testing on Sironix surfactants and develop new
applications - Assist in designing, constructing, and troubleshooting new reactor systems for surfactants production - Write formal research reports, both internal and for publication - Prioritize and meet deadlines, while managing multiple research projects
- Assess and review new technology, academic research, and patents
Preferred Qualifications: - Working toward degree in chemical engineering, chemistry, or related technical degree - Experience working in a
laboratory setting - Experience/coursework in chemistry, catalysis, surfactant/colloid science and/or reactor design - Familiarity with analytical techniques such as GC-FID, chemical catalysis, and/or organic chemistry - Detail-oriented scientist with the
ability to take on the challenges of R&D
Josefine Fleetwood, (she/her)
Employer Relations Manager
Oregon State University
| College of Engineering
116 Johnson Hall - Room 112