Please join us! Build your network of industry connections!
Tuesday Jan 31st Johnson Hall Room 102, 6:00-7:00 PM.
Food provided
The CBEE Industry Advisory Board Members want to meet you! ALL CBEE Students Welcome and food will be provided.
The CBEE Industry Advisory Board is a team of alumni that are leaders in their fields that have volunteered their time to help inform decisions about curriculum.
This team has worked in every field and position you can think of, can provide a lot of valuable advice, and they want to hear from you. They will use the first 20 minutes to do introductions. The rest of the time will be spent introducing Circle, a social
media website similar to slack, that will help connect students with the advisory board for questions, advice, and internships and job opportunities. This time will be an open discussion, where the advisory board and students can work together to figure out
how we can best learn from each other.
John Baumann – Head of R&D Advanced Engineering, Small Molecules at Lonza
Charla Triplett, President Catalyze- supporting the healthcare startup ecosystem
Brad Hermanson, PE, PMP Project Management Professional, Hermanson Consulting Company
Alexander Graham, Process Control Lead Engineering, Westrock
Jason Hower, Master Technologist, Graphics and Commercial Print Lab HP
Michael Brady, Corning (retired)
Walt Pebley, Vice President Technical Innovation, Oregon Freeze Dry,
Josefine Fleetwood, (she/her)
Employer Relations Manager
Oregon State University
| College of Engineering
116 Johnson Hall - Room 112