We are more than 2,600 engineers, scientists, and related technical and project support personnel committed to technical leadership and client service as the foundations for producing practical, efficient, and sustainable solutions for our clients' most complex environmental, social, and governance challenges.


Job Listings at Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.


If you would like to do an Informational Interview with Catherine Mays, P.E. Environmental Engineer at Geosyntec Consultants and OSU Environmental MS or have questions email Catherine.mays@geosyntec.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherinemays/



Josefine Fleetwood (She/Her), Employer Relations Manager

Oregon State University  | College of Engineering  

School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering  

School of Nuclear Science and Engineering  

Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering

116 Johnson Hall  - Room 112

