My company (Intel Corporation) is currently hiring compressed work week Process Engineers. If you have any questions about the role or want to know what to expect, please feel free to reach out as I am happy to help. See the following minimum qualifications below if you are interested:
- Must possess a Bachelor of Science or Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Electrical Computer Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Material Science, Physics, Chemistry or a related scientific STEM field of study.
- Availability to work on a Compressed Work Week schedule.
- Minimum of 6 months of experience in one or more of the following:
Hands on experience operating, maintaining, and/or repairing complex equipment.
- Statistical data analysis (MATLAB, Excel, JMP, etc.).

 Let me know if you have applied and I can get your information to the hiring manager.
Daniel Hernandez, Process Engineering

OSU Chemical Engineering alum

Link to apply:


Josefine Fleetwood, (she/her)

Employer Relations Manager

Oregon State University | College of Engineering

116 Johnson Hall  - Room 112
