Oct 30th Info Session with Thermo Fisher Scientific, Eugene, Oregon

Johnson Hall Room 102 5-6pm

Register in Handshake

Sophia Frantz, Scientist lll, Product Owner, Biology Research & Development at Thermo Fisher Scientific at the Eugene, Oregon site presents to the OSU Biomedical Engineering Society to share about the company, internship and job opportunities. All interested students and majors are welcome to attend. Free food. 

Thermo Fisher Scientific is the world leader in serving science. Our Mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. Our global team of 130,000+ colleagues delivers an unrivaled combination of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and pharmaceutical services through our industry-leading brands – making a significant impact in the world around us.

The Eugene Thermo Fisher Scientific  site hires chemistry, biology, bioengineering, and mechanical/EE/systems engineering majors for these internships




Josefine Fleetwood (She/Her), Employer Relations Manager

Oregon State University  | College of Engineering  

School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering  

School of Nuclear Science and Engineering  

Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering

116 Johnson Hall  - Room 112

