Learn about all the career opportunities and exciting growth of biotech in Oregon!  Excellent opportunity to network and have your resume reviewed (drop ins welcome). Food will be provided. First year through PhD students and all majors welcome to attend.


Register in Handshake

Wednesday, May 31st

12 to 1:30 p.m. in Kearney Hall Room 112  Panel Presentation

1:30 to 3:00 p.m. in Kearney Hall Atrium Tabling with companies, drop in to ask questions or have your resume reviewed (drop ins welcome!)


Oregon Bioscience Association

Oregon Bio supports the regional bioscience community through networking, workforce development, educational programs, enterprise support, advocacy and the promotion of research collaborations. www.oregonbioscienceassociaton.com


SerĂ n Bioscience

Develops and manufactures biotechnology products using advanced drug delivery and formulation concepts. We are a science driven, customer focused organization dedicated to improving patients lives www.seranbio.com


Lazarus 3D

A Healthtech Medical Device Startup headquartered in Albany, Oregon. Our mission is to deliver solutions that solve the most fundamental challenges in healthcare today. www.laz3d.com



A drug and target discovery company harnessing deep learning and synthetic biology to expand the therapeutic potential of proteins. We translate ideas into drugs with a platform technology that reinvents the biopharmaceutical drug discovery process. www.absci.com


Micro Systems Engineering, Inc (MSEI)

A pioneer in developing innovative technologies and medical devices that save and enhance the quality of life for millions of individuals living with cardiovascular disorders. https://www.mst.com/MSTgroup/msei


Twist Bioscience

Our expertise is accelerating science and innovation by leveraging the power of scale. We have developed a proprietary semiconductor-based synthetic DNA manufacturing process featuring a high throughput silicon platform capable of producing synthetic biology tools, including genes, oligonucleotide pools and variant libraries. www.twistbioscience.com.



Josefine Fleetwood, (she/her)

Employer Relations Manager

Oregon State University | College of Engineering

116 Johnson Hall  - Room 112


