An NSF supported REU Site
June 1 to August 10 | Wayne State University | Detroit, Michigan
What you get
Stipend: $600 per week for the 10 week
experience ($6,000 total stipend)
Housing: Room and board in the Towers
Residential Suites
Travel: $500 towards the cost of travel
to and from Wayne State University
Program overview
Undergraduate students have the unique opportunity to attend the Summer Academy in Sustainable Manufacturing at Wayne State University. This
10-week program, the first of its kind to focus on sustainable manufacturing, is supported by a three-year National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site grant. The academy offers undergraduates of all disciplines the opportunity
to perform cutting edge sustainable manufacturing research on project such as:
Safe and Eco-Friendly Battery Materials and Manufacturing
Data-Driven Modelling and Analysis of Energy Efficiency
Remanufacturing via Additive Manufacturing Processes
Reliable Power Supply Systems for Electric and Autonomous Vehicles
How to apply
Applicants are expected to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
Application deadline: March 15
Program period: June 1 to August 10
For more information
Visit the academy website (
for details on site activities, research projects, faculty mentors, and more.
Send questions to the program's co-directors:
Jeremy L. Rickli, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Yinlun Huang, Ph.D.
Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science