We are pleased to let you know that Wayne State University will host an NSF REU site program, Summer Academy in Sustainable Manufacturing, this summer again.   Like in the past, we are recruiting applications from the undergraduate students with or without research experience.  The program offers students an opportunity to perform cutting-edge sustainable manufacturing research in exciting Detroit, MI.  It is a multidisciplinary program, with a good number of research projects very suitable for chemical engineering students.  Students should also gain valuable insight into the possibilities for graduate school and beyond. 


We would like you to distribute our program flyer to the students in your chapters and encourage them to apply.  The online application deadline is March 15, 2022.


Read this email on the Web

College of Engineering - Wayne State University



2022 Summer Academy in Sustainable Manufacturing

An NSF supported REU Site

June 1 to August 10  |  Wayne State University  |  Detroit, Michigan


What you get

Stipend: $600 per week for the 10 week experience ($6,000 total stipend)

Housing: Room and board in the Towers Residential Suites

Travel: $500 towards the cost of travel to and from Wayne State University

Program overview

Undergraduate students have the unique opportunity to attend the Summer Academy in Sustainable Manufacturing at Wayne State University. This 10-week program, the first of its kind to focus on sustainable manufacturing, is supported by a three-year National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site grant. The academy offers undergraduates of all disciplines the opportunity to perform cutting edge sustainable manufacturing research on project such as:

  • Safe and Eco-Friendly Battery Materials and Manufacturing
  • Data-Driven Modelling and Analysis of Energy Efficiency
  • Remanufacturing via Additive Manufacturing Processes
  • Reliable Power Supply Systems for Electric and Autonomous Vehicles

How to apply

Applicants are expected to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.

Application deadline: March 15
Program period: June 1 to August 10



For more information

Visit the academy website (https://advancedmaterials.wayne.edu/summer-academy) for details on site activities, research projects, faculty mentors, and more.

Send questions to the program's co-directors:

Jeremy L. Rickli, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering

Yinlun Huang, Ph.D.
Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science



Wayne State University

Warrior Strong