Lazarus 3D Info Session hosted by OSU Biomedical Engineering Society
When: Monday, April 11th 2022, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Zoom link:
Please join founders Jacques Zaneveld, PhD and Smriti Agrawal Zaneveld, PhD to learn more about their company and career opportunities. Lazarus 3D is revolutionizing medicine and healthcare by allowing you to rehearse on a physical, soft, realistic 3D printed
copy of your patient before doing the real surgery. By performing a surgical rehearsal and practicing before operating, you can improve outcomes, reduce costs, and Operate with confidence®. Lazarus 3D creates anatomically accurate, high-fidelity models directly
from patient MRI/CT data that doctors and medical device companies can use to perform surgical rehearsals and training workshops in highly realistic conditions.
More info
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Josefine Fleetwood, (she/her)
Employer Relations Manager
Oregon State University
| College of Engineering
116 Johnson Hall - Room 112