Discover Available ORISE Summer Internships Today!

Date & Time

Nov 16, 2023 12:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Join the STEM Workforce Development staff on November 16, 2023, from 3:00pm-4:30pm to learn about Summer 2024 internship and fellowship opportunities that are actively recruiting! You will hear from the source about the different sponsoring agencies, the eligibility requirements for each program, and the application requirements and deadline. If you are still searching for a summer opportunity this is your best chance to find the right fit for your future! You won’t want to miss it!



Josefine Fleetwood (She/Her), Employer Relations Manager

Oregon State University  | College of Engineering  

School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering  

School of Nuclear Science and Engineering  

Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering

116 Johnson Hall  - Room 112
