Thursday, May 2nd – 12pm – In-person – Careers in Aerospace -
Please join us for our first annual Careers in Aerospace event on the Oregon State University Campus on May 2nd from 12- 3pm. In coordination with the Pacific Northwest Aerospace
Alliance (PNAA).
The Aerospace Engineering Program continues to grow with an ambitious research agenda led by Professor Richard
Wirz, Executive Director of Aerospace Research Programs and Boeing Professor.
The careers in aerospace event will allow companies to give a brief presentation about their company and
career opportunities - they are hiring. Then there will be an opportunity to network and engage with these companies via tabling.
AND - Free Pizza provided by AIAA club!
Participating companies are as follows:
Attached is flyer with more information.
Josefine Fleetwood (She/Her), Employer Relations Manager
Oregon State University | College of Engineering
School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering
School of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering
116 Johnson Hall - Room 112