Hi Folks, The *A*rtificial* I*ntelligence *G*raduate *S*tudent *A*ssociation (AIGSA) will be hosting a "*Guide to Graduate School*" seminar* tomorrow (October 21st)* from *4:00 PM to 5:00 PM* in* KEC 1001*. This seminar will share insights on common challenges in a student's journey from the experience of several EECS Professors. Be sure to arrive early and grab some cookies and coffee before the event! It will include three short talks: 1. "Navigating Your Graduate Program" - Prof. Stefan Lee <http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~leestef/> 2. "Conducting Academic Research" - Prof. Thomas Dietterich <https://eecs.oregonstate.edu/people/dietterich-thomas> 3. "Advisor-Advisee relationship" - Prof. Alan Fern <https://eecs.oregonstate.edu/people/fern-alan> RSVP here <https://forms.gle/f74HFPJnMSUopdLV8> to let us know if you're coming! To join our mailing list for future events, please follow the instructions at https://www.aigsa.club/. The event will be live-streamed over Zoom for those who wish to attend virtually. Details may be found below. *Zoom Meeting:* https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/93786891383?pwd=Z3FKaUtTOHpiU0V5aUV4RDRGSUV2QT09\ *Meeting ID:* 937 8689 1383 *Password:* 24f51U7S Best, Eric Slyman (they/he) Communications Officer, AIGSA