Hello Everyone, We, the AIGSA committee, would like to share that we are organizing a social get-together event for all graduate students interested in Artificial Intelligence. It's an interesting opportunity to get to know each other, share your interests and form new friends. *Event Details:* - Date and Time: Friday, Apr 2nd, 5-7 pm - Link: https://gather.town/app/HrL8PCnFGjQ5YzDf/Kelly - Password: aigsa - It's a virtual 2D space where we can roam around and form groups for video and voice chat. Please note, in the virtual space, we have to get closer to each other in order to talk. We look forward to meeting all of you. Also, feel free to reach out to us if you have any inquiries/suggestions. Regards, Anurag Koul AIGSA committee member https://it.engineering.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/ai