Dear all, Prof Ravi Balasubramanian is teaching. ROB 562: Human Control Systems" in Spring 2021. Please see the message below. Thanks, Jay ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Balasubramanian, Ravi <Ravi.Balasubramanian@oregonstate.edu> Date: Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 5:59 PM Subject: ROB 562: Human Control Systems class in Spring 2021 To: Patravali, Jay Sanjay <patravaj@oregonstate.edu> Hi Jay: I am an OSU robotics faculty. Can you please forward the below message and the attachment to the AI list about a course that is upcoming in Spring? Thanks! Ravi -------------------------- Friends: Hope your term is going great. I wanted to inform you that I will teach a course titled "ROB 562: Human Control Systems" in Spring 2021. The flyer is attached. The material may be relevant to your students, and more generally, to students interested in the following: neuro-musculo-skeletal system biomechanics bio-control biosignals feedback control for biomechanical systems models for human-robot communication for physical interaction bioengineering prostheses, exoskeletons, orthoses application of machine learning and AI to the above domains Please advertise this course when you get a chance. We look forward to having a diverse group in the class. :) Thanks! -- Ravi Balasubramanian Associate Professor School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331. ravi.balasubramanian@oregonstate.edu Graf Hall 315 Ph#: 541-737-4267 http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~balasubr/ Public calendar: http://bit.ly/1a4YXpD OSU Robotics: http://robotics.oregonstate.edu/