Hi all, I'll be defending my thesis on Monday at 1:00 PM in Rogers 226 and virtually through zoom. Feel free to join either way if you're interested! *Title:* Designing and Evaluating Applications of Vibrotactile Feedback *Date & Time:* Monday, September 20th at 1:00 pm *Abstract:* Relative to visual and audible communication, haptic perception is quiet, does not require eye contact, can be applied at any point on the human body, and can function in parallel with the other four human senses. Vibrotactile feedback is a method of haptic communication using vibrations applied to the skin. Vibrotactile feedback has been used successfully in several applications in the past. Cell phones vibrate on incoming phone calls, smart watches use vibrations for phone notifications, and video game controllers contextually vibrate based on virtual events. As the whole body can perceive a continuous spectrum of vibrations varying in frequency and magnitude, vibrotactile feedback has a wide range of options for how it can be applied to the human body. In this work, we present our findings of the human vibration perception ability across an array of body locations and our investigation into vibrotactile feedback as a spatial perception medium for people who are blind in the form of a wrist mounted mobility aid. *Advisor:* Dr. Naomi Fitter *Committee:* Dr. Naomi Fitter, Dr. Cindy Grimm, Dr. Onan Demirel, Dr. Nick Cabot *Zoom Meeting:* Ryan Quick is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Thesis Defense (Ryan Quick) Time: Sep 20, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/99242806926?pwd=NzBLdERyMUU4RXFOY2lJNE1YWTkzQT... Password: wwbzr6Cz Phone Dial-In Information +1 971 247 1195 US (Portland) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 992 4280 6926 Join by Polycom/Cisco/Other Room System 99242806926@zoomcrc.com With Regards, Ryan Quick