Hello everyone, This Friday, we’ll be discussing content from the “Circuits” thread on distill.pub: https://distill.pub/2020/circuits/ This is a series posts on reverse engineering the internal structure of vision nets by looking at the weights and features such networks learn. We’ll particularly focus on the “Branch Specialization” post: https://distill.pub/2020/circuits/branch-specialization/, which discusses how different network regions can specialize in different sorts of tasks. Neither Neale nor Alex will be at the meeting (one reason why the meeting topic went out so late). We’ll still be meeting at 1 PM and use the normal meeting room: https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/2739792686?pwd=VkRUeHJkYnhvTzlvZzR6YnZWNERKQT0... (I’ll send an email with a new room if this doesn’t work) Best, Quintin