Hi All,

Today's seminar is starting now:

Kory Mathewson (DeepMind)
Speaker bio: https://korymathewson.com
Watch link: https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/97644079157?pwd=WXRZeEhOR0padXVzb2NkVkVkVEFmZz09


Title: "Humour-in-the-loop: Spontaneous Storytelling with Interactive Machine Learning"

Abstract: Improvisation is the ideal evaluation testbed for collaboration between humans and intelligent machines.

In improvised theatre artists perform real-time, dynamic problem solving to collaboratively generate interesting narratives. I co-developed artificial improvisation: improvised theatre performed by humans alongside intelligent machines. 

I start by presenting the background underlying the art of improvisation and the scientific fields of interactive machine learning and dialogue generation. Then, I present Pyggy, the first experiment on live stage human-machine improvisation, and A.L.Ex., the  Artificial Language Experiment, which addresses several critical technical improvements over Pyggy. "Improbotics"
 is then presented, which details audience evaluation of Turing test-inspired live improvised performance using A.L.Ex. 

The talk concludes by discussing public reflections on live artificial improvisation performances from around the world and interesting future directions to explore. I also discuss ongoing work at the intersection of intelligent minds both human and machine.


Pre- and post-seminar Gather space for OSU Robotics attendees (with an integrated link to the main talk) is at


Ross L. Hatton
Associate Professor, Robotics and Mechanical Engineering
Collaborative Robotics and Intelligent Systems Institute
Oregon State University