All, Sorry for the unfortunate interruption of the AI Seminar. Here is a message from Prof. Goel. We'll re-schedule it when he is available and announce it. Thank you for your patience. Prasad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prasad, I am so sorry but apparently we had an internet outage in my neighborhood at 4:29 and I lost all services. Just got off talking with Comcast so that I could send you this message. My apologies. Please tell everyone I am very sorry. Thanks, Ashok Ashok Goel Professor, School of Interactive Computing Chief Scientist, Center for 21st Century Universities Fellow, Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems Georgia Institute of Technology http://dilab.gatech.edu/ashok-k-goel/ <http://dilab.gatech.edu/ashok-k-goel/> Editor Emeritus, AI Magazine https://aaai.org/Magazine/magazine.php <https://aaai.org/Magazine/magazine.php> <https://aaai.org/Magazine/magazine.php> https://interactiveaimag.org/ <https://interactiveaimag.org/> <http://emprize.gatech.edu/>