Dear all,
The first AI seminar (webinar) on *"NSF National AI Research Institute
on Adult Learning and Online Education*" by Prof. Ashok Goel is
scheduled to be on September 29, 1-2 PM PST. It is open to the public
and will be followed by a 30 minute Q&A session by the graduate students.
*Note*: This talk may be of interest to colleagues not only in AI and
CS, but also in cognitive science/psychology and learning
science/education including distance education and professional education.
Zoom link:…
Please watch this space for future AI Seminars:
Prasad Tadepalli
*NSF National AI Research Institute on Adult Learning and Online Education *
/Ashok K. Goel /
School of Interactive Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
*Abstract:*NSF has announced the establishment of a National AI Research
Institute on Adult Learning and Online Education**(ALOE). The ALOE
Institute seeks to address the societal challenge of lifelong learning,
workforce development, and reskilling and upskilling of millions of
American workers each year. Online education offers an affordable medium
for taking education to workers where they live; however, there remain
serious questions about the quality of online education. ALOE will
develop new AI technologies that enhance cognitive engagement, teacher
presence and social interaction in online education, and thereby improve
its quality for adult learners in STEM disciplines at least to the level
of face-to-face learning. In addition to these use-inspired AI
techniques, ALOE will conduct foundational AI research on
personalization of learning at scale, interactive machine teaching to
enable teachers and learners to develop their own cognitive assistants,
mutual theory of mind to enable humans and AI assistants to better
understand one another, and participatory design of sociotechnical
systems for responsible AI. I will describe ALOE’s vision, goals and
plans, using examples from my own research for illustration.
*Bio**: *Ashok Goel is a Professor in the School of Interactive
Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology and the Chief Scientist
with Georgia Tech’s Center for 21st Century Universities. For over 35
years, he has conducted research into cognitive systems at the
intersection of AI and cognitive science with a focus on computational
design and creativity. Over the last decade much of his research has
focused on AI in education and education in AI. Ashok is the Founding
Editor of AAAI’s /Interactive AI Magazine/ established in 2020
( and Editor Emeritus of/AI Magazine. /In 2019, he
was a Co-Chair of the 41^st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science
Society/. /He is a Fellow of AAAI and in 2019 he received AAAI’s
Outstanding AI Educator Award.
Hi all,
I'll be defending my thesis on Thursday at 10AM. Virtual snacks will be
*Title:* Deployment Planning for Multiple Marsupial Robots
*Date & Time:* Thursday, September 16th at 10:00 am
*Abstract:* Multi-robot systems are versatile and extremely capable of
exploration tasks in complex environments. Increasingly sophisticated
planners, which incorporate new features of a multi-robot system, are
necessary for the operation of the systems. Marsupial robots are
multi-robot systems consisting of a carrier robot (e.g., a ground vehicle),
which is highly capable and has a long mission duration, and at least one
passenger robot (e.g., a short-duration aerial vehicle) transported by the
carrier. These heterogeneous robot systems are more flexible than
traditional homogeneous multi-robot systems in handling the constraints of
a complex environment. However, the physical coupling of a carrier robot
and passenger robots requires planners that are capable of accounting for
passenger robot deployment planning in exploration. In this thesis, we
present two algorithms for deploying passenger robots from marsupial robot
systems, culminating into a generalized deployment framework.
*Advisor:* Dr. Geoffrey Hollinger
*Committee:* Dr. Geoffrey Hollinger, Dr. Julie Adams, Dr. Kagan Tumer, Dr.
Bogdan Strimbu
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